Recent years have witnessed exceptional growth and technical progress in the offshore wind energy market within the UK and Europe. Both have consistently channelled significant investment into offshore wind projects, reinforcing their position as global industry leaders. With a diverse range of operational and planned offshore wind farms, coupled with ongoing technological innovations, cost efficiency improvements, and a growing commitment to sustainability, the UK and Europe have emerged as central players in the global shift towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources.

If 2023 was the year that we moved from disclosing climate risks to tackling them, 2024 is the year when we work out how to finance the process. Transition finance – broadly defined as financing corporate decarbonisation, with a particular emphasis on hard-to-abate sectors – has come of age and is likely to be the dominant theme at COP 29 and at other international gatherings for the rest of this year. Here in the UK, the Government has set up the Transition Finance Market Review to examine what the UK financial and professional services ecosystem needs to do to become the leading global centre for transition finance. This would bring very significant opportunities for financial and professional services firms.